Astrology in the minds of general people

by Vikas Varshney

Hope everyone doing fine with life, some people want to know future, Some people want to live, Some has money problem.

Problems should be there in life otherwise there will be no use of rahu which is called the head.

Some sleep deep because they are loving the scene, some sleep just to safeguard the scene which is just the karmas.

Some wants to take care of health, Some wants to prove how much they are intelligent.

I have this much money, I have this car, some talks comes from people who are fed up with politicians.

Some person wants to describe god by his imagination[ oh dear, how can u use a mind to describe him.but a innocent try]

Some people wants to live luxurious life, Some people takes life like vijay malya [bhaad main jaye janta].

Some people is so serious about horoscope matching, I have only 17.5 gun matches, I  will not go ahead as it is less by 0.5 from 18!!! [some times laughs alot , where numbers were made by humans] . Really 0.5 gun less ? you will not go ahead?

Some people are not willing to go ahead for manglik? oh my god, you are manglik? he is manglik, not a demon! 😛

Some people says- -your child has  kaal sarp dosh! Oh My god! , Let the person lives his life,he just spend 2 days on this holy planet,

So much of “Rayta Failana” type talks goes around the corner of astrology.

Oh you have used neelam? you could have used moti as well! It does not suites, My Bad luck is with me.

When I see such things with respect to practical astrology, I always think, god must be enjoying above duality.

i prayed god, I did fasting, I did bla bla bla, I asked him, he said, 7 weeks on thursday I have to fast.I was thinking like.. Oh My god, so much of pain.

Now a days , astrologers have every new rule in astrology, just to make people fear and they can earn money. 😛

Because they also know, there is nothing! ! ! .  Astrology is perfect but when you start enjoying it practically.

So many mind crops on this holy planet and every crop is different.

oh tera surya neech ka hai? Bhai tu to gaya! 😛

I have atleast 2 exalted planets gives me relief, Atleast he believes on god now and starts respecting GOD, he do not want to know god, he wants that his problems can be solved by using any means.

Its a total fun going around the world.

Above all reactions,one reaction which is true, is a reaction of bhav inside our heart to do good to others, your planets will improve automatically, now if u do bad, how can horoscope planets will support you. Do good to others and have a feeling of seva. thats it.

Karmas which is an indication of sun shining!

Not a post of knowledge, just  a post of fun. Nothing serious, No body will leave this world alive, So enjoy and relax.

Increase ketu energy and decrease rahu energy.

Jai Shri Krishna