enlight your soul

Month: January, 2013

Some Key Points- Astrology Enlightenment!

by Vikas Varshney

Increase your Planet Powers

1. We always say,those who dont respect their wife/husband has which planet weak?? Venus!

what is Venus? everything in life

Lakshmiji never comes to their house, so can we change it?? Yes start the respect:)

Venus represents luxury,house,wealth everything

Venus lord of 7th house represents partnerships,you will never get good partners

2.Those who have problems with siblings, any disputes shows their mars weak

what is mars?

Blood which flows in your body, if you have bad blood relations you will be experiencing blood related issues 🙂

3. Those who dont respect their father, has sun weak

what is sun??


4. Those who dont have very good relations with mother,it means their moon is weak!

what is moon?? Moon is heart, emotions, trueness,everything!

this shows their will never be happy in their life.As happiness comes from satisfaction

they are never satisfied in their life,they have lots of desires which never fullfill if you dont respect your mother 🙂

You may have heart related issues, you will face problems understand something, not very good IQ!

There are lot more things I will write, But if you want to change your life, Improve all these relations 🙂

your planets power will be boosted several times and god will help you at every turn in your life!

Jai Shri Krishna





by Vikas Varshney

My Best Friend!

The Person who was so much frustated with his life,Now is enjoying his life like a mad person, Lord krishna is really great! when we get things done,we are really happy.My friend got placed in synopsis.I congratulate you my friend anni. I am feeling top of the world, such a blessed soul, I always told you,let the time come,You will enjoy your world. My best wishes for your whole life, love u dost! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I feel i could able to share that moment with you. 😦

Electronics and Astrology- Research part-2!

by Vikas Varshney

Electronics and Astrology- Research part-2!

Few days back  I am put into analog domain which I hate most as it needs brain why?because  because of shanidev ,So I will put some astrology analysis on some analog concepts relating it to astrology.

Those who are From electronics domain can understand  it very well 🙂 🙂 🙂

Gain and Bandwidth are the two important parameters in analog field, as we dont need gain in digital as we only deals in 0s and 1s 🙂

Now because of feedback we are more concerned about more and more gain to insure good stability of ciruits as the same time by applying feedback we increase the bandwidth of the circuit!

What is Feedback ,Its a good karma that you can do with the Circuits,like in life we do generally, good deeds takes us to great heights, What are great heights?? Its bandwidth of the circuits!

what is bandwidth,high speed! which planet represents it?? Ketu-  why??

To be continued! 🙂

Jai Shri Krishna

Parents :)

by Vikas Varshney

I would like to share some touching article,which makes all of us to think once.. 

Parents are not just a social relationship. It is out of them that you have come. You are part of them, a branch of their tree. You are still rooted in them.
“When parents die something very deep-rooted dies within you. When parents die, for the first time you feel alone, uprooted. So while they are alive, everything that can be done should be done, so that an understanding can arise and you can communicate with them and they can communicate with you. Then things settle and the accounts are closed. Then when they leave the world – they will leave someday – you will not feel guilty, you will not repent; you will know that things have settled. They have been happy with you; you have been happy with them.

“The love relationship starts with the parents and it also ends with them. It comes to a full circle. If somewhere the circle is broken, your whole being will remain uneasy. One feels tremendously happy when one can communicate with one’s own parents. That is the most difficult thing in the world to do because the gap is so big. The parents never think that you are grown up so they never directly communicate with you. They never take account of your freedom and your spirit, your being… no respect. They take it for granted that you have listened to them.

“The gap becomes bigger and bigger. It has to be bridged. If you can bridge your relationship with your mother, suddenly you will feel that the whole earth is bridged. You are more rooted in the earth. If you can bridge your relationship with your father, you are at home with the sky. They are symbolic, representatives of the earth and the sky. And man is like a tree which needs both the earth and the sky.”

Sublords :) Basics!

by Vikas Varshney

Sub lords

This topic was requested by some person on facebook, what are sublords?

For going to Sublords we need to know what are nakshtras 🙂

This step consist of three things,we should stick to these three things when we do some kind of predictions 🙂

Please avoid predictions as much as possible! !  My request to astrology lovers

For eg.

Take a Planet–  saturn

Take a Nakshtra- mercury

Take  a sublord – Ketu

What is a planet- its a central government

What is a nakshtra – its a state government

What is a sublord- city workers.

Now consider central government  means planet! wants to impose some rules in a country, what central government will do??

It will ask the state government to do the things , Now if state government ,means nakshtras if ready to do then rule will be transfered to the local people,means sublords 🙂

Now if sublords are ready they will do the work,otherwise they will not do the work 🙂 thats why all marriage combinations are negated because on ground level,those planets are not able to do job!

So what actually happens is because of sub lords, even sub sub lords play a major role,But No one has right birth time,so we always prefer sublords 🙂

when you go deep and deep, you will realize the things..

Now take your chart and start research!

Jai Shri Krishna

Significance of Father — Astrology Review :)

by Vikas Varshney

Significance of Father — Astrology Review 🙂

Now a days father and son/daughter relations have issues.I met with some person in a bus while coming to my home.

One of the family who lived in my home on rent  have same situation.

The problem is deep rooted which nobody can even think ,Oh! This was the issue!

I will tell you some indications of bad relation 🙂

Here bad relation does not mean that father and son does not have good relation,it means there is some lack of synchonization between them which cause some arguements,thats all

1.Person is lazy

2.Person sleeps late in night.

3.Person has lack of confidence.

4.He suffers from the problem of cough and cold.

5. Tonsil problems can be seen easily.

6. eye sight problem[have seen,but not necessary]

There are many issues which we can observe,But I think these are enough

Now question is how these things determine the relation of father and son 🙂 🙂  sounds interesting???

Now I will relate this problem with astrology 🙂

What is Sun?

Sun is the soul, Sun comes after venus which gives us life ,

Sun is the energy

Sun is the Confidence

Sun is the activeness

Raghukul reet sada chali aayi pran jaye par vachan na jayi!

Its show a Leader

It shows a love ,why? sun rules 5th house 🙂

when we say sun is neech,it means in tula rashi! But neech and ucch dont exist in astrology,it just shows in which area you are good, sun in tula shows a creative person 🙂  but lack of confidence as well 🙂

When we have lack of confidence in us,it shows we may not good relation with father and all the symtoms I wrote may have issues.

Sun means father gives everything to his child without asking anything in return, Because sun is the soul, father is your soul,father characterstics reflects in you 🙂

Father is always caring for his child,But problem is now a days ,we always think what father is saying is wrong???? 🙂 🙂 🙂

Now if you want to increase your power of sun,Its very easy, Just go to your father and take his blessings, your sun will get alot of power,

If  you want to increase your confidence, Just start waking early, at 4am 🙂

If you want to remove lazyness,just start giving “JAL” to surya dev early morning  🙂

Blessings from your parents gives your soul a true feeling of God,confidence,love everything.

If you treat your parents in harsh way, No one can save you,as you are continuously decreasing your sun energy,which means you are loosing confidence 🙂 🙂

Those people who are living away from your family, with some problems,any problem with father, Just go to him,He is your father,Sun, your soul, go with your soul,you will get everything in life!

if you feel,you can not face him, just ask lord krishna to help you, He will help you for sure 🙂 🙂 j

This was astroenlightenment,make use of this astrology to make your life a journey of love ,We are always good, Just find your soft side which you have lost somewhere!!!

Jai Shri Krishna

Random Thoughts, My Views and My Discussion :) !

by Vikas Varshney

Random Thoughts, My Views and My Discussion 🙂 !

Most Important

I request you people,Please do follow blog ,follow link is given in the bottom of the page

After lot of research on Free Will and destiny I am writing this article for the people who are going through bad phase 🙂

Our life basic aim is  to fullfill our desires :)

Now we first move to the topic free will

1. Can you make an air road??

2.Can you climb tree?

3.Can you do what you want??

Answer is No!

why? We always question the things, why we have to fight for our daily earnings, which is represented by 6th house in horoscope, Ok now give the reason why only 6th house shows daily earning??

astrology learners who are learning this divine science astrology ,have ever thought of why 6th house shows daily earning???
Does anybody know why kanya rashis people are Tall ??

Everything has reason, but only thing ,we should have such passion to know the things 🙂

Can anyone give the reason why nakshtras starts with ashwini?? ketu nakshtra?? !!
Open the books on astrology,may be you find the reason 🙂 or wait for my book which will come in year 2017!

What does teeth represents?? mercury?? why?? any reason, if you find Please comment below!! only few people know the actual reason.

Why we should give food to cow before we start taking  lunch or dinner?? 🙂  any reason?? Please comment if you know, and do follow the blog , follow link is in the bottom of the page 🙂

why 5th house represents love?? any reason?? I will give reason in my next article 🙂 if you know any. do comment!!

why 10th house is the house of status? why 10th is given? why not 9th house is given for status??

why 12 is called loss ,why not gain?? in my view its gain? why??

Lots of lots of questions are there ,we can not answer these questions as they are not written in books 🙂 🙂

we can give answers when we use our Brain 🙂

why 3rd house is brother house, why not 2nd??

will answer all questions, but please try to find ,yourself,move your brain..

Jai Shri krishna 🙂





Tea Astrologically

by glitterstar88

Astrological Tea 🙂

As we know there how to make a tea !

But Now we will see how a Tea is made astrologically 🙂

For making a Tea we need

1. Milk

2. Water

3. Sugar

4. Tea

I will write general article,make yourself put the quantity of these ingrediants as your taste  🙂

When you feel ,you need to take tea?? when you have desire 🙂 🙂  your thoughts are governed by mercury which is surely infected by rahu 🙂 🙂 this makes you to drink TEA!

So your mercury says,common lets have a cup of tea 🙂

so what you do? you go and take out all things from your refrigerator 🙂

Now what all these things represents?

Milk+Water+tea— these are normal things, which are natural, they are represented by Ketu 🙂 🙂

now you start up the process of making tea ,you put all the things ,and started heating the PAN 🙂

what is a heat its again ketu..

Now process starts 🙂

In this Heat,fast moving electrons,particles collide togethor,then more heat is produced,

When water starts boiling,after 5 minutes Tea is made 🙂

Now you take cups out and pour the tea into it 🙂

what does cups represent,Its venus

When you take a sip of tea ,then tea enters your body 🙂

Tea produces heat 🙂

That heat moves to moon ,means heart 🙂

you start feeling good, means mars activated

Then you start fighting with your desire that is rahu 🙂

After tea is finished you enter guru 🙂 means satisfied 🙂

This is the value of guru,when desires are completed we are having knowledge 🙂

Satisfaction is represented by Guru 🙂  Jupiter!

Jai Shri Krishna

Pisces Ascendant

by glitterstar88


Pisceans are the models of morality in majority cases. It’s equal to murder for them to break someone’s heart. They feel like taking everyone’s responsibility on their shoulders. That’s why they become apple of everyone’s eye. J Another striking quality of them is their intuitiveness.

Neptune is the co-owner of this sign. These people can easily pick addictions that could be disastrous. Actually because of the submissive nature, they hardly become great leaders but they are devoted followers. Depending on the position of Jupiter, religiosity runs with their blood. If Mars is badly placed, it could make them cowards and they find it hard to defend themselves.

Just like Taurus and Virgo ascendants, they have five functional malefic to deal with. That’s why constantly they are being tested with challenges. Fortunately they have Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Moon as functional benefic planets, that indicates a successful career and content marriage.

Aries ruled by Mars represents their 2nd house. Well placed Mars facilitates material gains. This makes person vital and ready to face it as it comes. Weak Mars spoils the harmony in relationships. Impatience and loud mouth are also indicated.

Cancer ruled by Moon signifies 5th house. Strong Moon helps them to deal with heaps of emotions bubbling inside. Creativity sprouts out with full expressions. The relation with children is also of harmony. Weak Moon makes them impractical and they then become prone to take wrong decisions.

The Sun’s sign Leo shows their 6th house. Well placed Sun gives profound health and helps control the blood pressure. It removes the problems created by opposition. Weak Sun burdens with debts and audits. The person would lack courage, vitality and passion to move ahead.

The mooltrikona sign of Mercury is in 7th house. Unafflicted Mercury stabilizes the marriage. The person would improvise with balanced analytical approach in any given situation. Weak Mercury darkens the married life with stress or might lead to divorce. Long difficult journeys also become probable.

Venus rules the 8th house thus behaves malefic for them. It is good to have least aspects from Venus on other planets. Strong Venus protects the marriage, increases longevity. Weak Venus might give kidney problems and damages the vitality overall.

Jupiter sign rules the 10th house. Strong Jupiter enhances the career of the native. If this Jupiter has any connection with Moon, it strengthens the possibility of commendable performance in academics. The problems created by the malefic are balanced to some extent by the positive presence of Jupiter for them.

Saturn rules the 12th house. Good position of Saturn makes possible foreign stays and health may not get affected due to Saturn’s impact. Weak Saturn implies the possibility of lack of sexual pleasures. Unexpected losses might occur. The houses and planets aspected by weak Saturn bring restrictions and delays in that area.




Problems In our Society– Rahu Researched :)

by glitterstar88

Problems In our Society– Rahu Researched 🙂
The research I was doing these days are only based on rahu and ketu analysis 🙂
The Rahu negative side of north node of moon and Ketu positive side south node of moon
What is moon?
Our Heart 🙂
So when we have desires,We have to fullfill it ?? right??
Desires are the basic need of soul,without it soul does not have any need to stay on this planet 🙂
I am very upset by the comment my friend did on facebook 🙂
But I can not do anything, people write things which they usually feel 🙂
Problem with our society  We want to achieve??? what??
Ok now assume you got all this? are u satisfied 🙂 how can u feed  a person who has only head  Rahu?? who only wants to eat 🙂
First of all let me clear to all viewers who are reading this article
its male or female,does not matter..
If you respect your mother, than do respect girls
If you respect your friends ,you should know how to give respect to a begger 🙂
Differentiation on the basis of status is totally nonsense thought!!!
now what rahu can do to you ? see example

For example you want to eat pizza ,burger ok??
What is pizza,burger?? your desires? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Now see the result, when you eat daily, you become fat! nothing else?
Now see things, when you become fat, where are desires?? they keep making you fat daily 🙂
That is Rahu,any desire only leads to frustation,removes mental peace , which  directly effect on your health ,from health,it effects mind 🙂 🙂
My motive of writing articles is just to let people aware of such things,may be some persons dasha change then he knows the real meaning of such articles 🙂
What is Ketu- real side of heart ,means positive side , when you do good to people, they give you blessings, Doing good is your desireless karma, when you get blessings, your ketu energy increases which makes you more positive and balance between rahu and ketu is distured and your ketu side is increased and you become true person 🙂
This society need reform and have to do something which can change the thoughts of people , Crimes can be controlled when you do efforts,to change the thinking of people 🙂
Our Indian Coulture is awesome, that has treasures of solutions to get rid of crimes,health issues, but only rahu has made us unaware from  them 🙂