Ketu energy: Summary of All Vedic Texts

by Vikas Varshney

Once you have more ketu energy you would eat slowly ,your life will be balanced, no fear can touch will always remain in the kingdom of will be come a yogi ,peace in mind,you will love your existence, all the Vedas talks of in creasing ketu energy.your will power will increase, your illness will decrease, your kindness will increase,your blood pressure will be in control,your chakras will reactivate,your lust will decreases,Rama behavior will come to your soul,you will be far away from pride ,you will be living like Krishna and you will love the holy nature,in short your heart will be soft and god can come and sit in you. That’s all just because of increase in ketu energy,your sleep will be over. Astrology gives you so many benefit’s and without any prediction aspect’s.

One important saying ~~

//You have to dive deep for pearls. – the search for hidden potential//

Without diving, feeding knowledge to mind does not serve anything!

One of my Great findings!

~~~ hare krishna hare krishna, krishna krishna hare hare ~~
~~~ hare ram hare ram , ram ram hare hare ~~~~~~