Some Random thoughts: Creation of Mind

by Vikas Varshney

Imagine a memory[brain] as a Box which contains A,B,C,D characters.

When you are triggered, A,B,C,D are going to be triggered. So they will start speaking which will become a thought process.

Those characters speak because you are triggered.

That means, those characters are just the part of your consciousness?

So if you are not triggered, those characters will also not get any trigger.

Which means outer world is your trigger or your consciousness?

Now your mind is triggered the same way ,every second.. may be in some duration or very frequently.

If this is the case, you are in Big Trouble.

Where will you go? you will think of any object? which is also your memory?

Your memory is triggered, who make it trigger?

If you think of any god, that will also just a creation of mind?

Which proves that this world is just a mind! ?

If this world is just a mind, you are again in trouble?

Who you are? If I am asking this question,this is again a chemical reaction to k now who you are??

words are also a creation of mind.

You are a part of a simulation, now who simulates you and give you a trigger??

Can you go out of this system? Again something being asked which is the question of a mind?

Mind feels trapped and in constant fight to create its existence.

If you answer something, it will be the creation of mind.

What is new in that? you are being rotten in this world for long with so called relations, greed,pride, selfishness which is just a trigger of energy.

your mind will create everything for you, every memory, which is just a combination of zero and one which is just a digital signals.

You fight in the name of religion, your pride, your ego, your lust .

originally, you have been fitted with a mind which sleeps and again starts working.

If you say, your life is worth, it is true, but only when you can find the answer of all your questions.

Something is kept hidden for long which is a treasure for you and have never been touched.