Astrology- Guidance

by Vikas Varshney


This name is being corrupted by wrong astrologers in these times,there are many names I can take. Astrology is just guidance not prediction!!
One of the astrology called predictable astrology. That is Kp astrology.My aim to write this article is to just help people to go away from wrong people who wants money for doing predictions
Basically astrology science was made to make people follow right path.By knowing astrology people follow right path as they are much closer to god by getting blessings of this science.
I have warned people and will keep warning,dont go to these people they are not god! They are wrong people charging huge. Thats why I am always against them.
I dont want to take names,but if you ask me personally I will take names of all those people.Life is all about taking right path,doing right karma,removing jealousy,removing ego. when you people are free from
all such stuff.God is always their to help you.

Read these lines from Bhagwad geeta- must read

=============Three Gunas================
==== Attachment to Gunas causes rebirth======

“Om namo bhagavate vasudevayah”

In ealier posts we discussed the three Gunas are inseparable part of material nature. Since body is the part of the same material nature it is automatically contains these Gunas.
We all know, a living being has to take birth again and again, but then anybody would like to know why?
If purusha (Atma) which has been started from the Supreme Purusha and which is destined to meet the the Supreme Pursha, then why it is get lost in the cycle of births and deaths?

This fact is difficult understood than said. We might not be able to realize generally but the three Gunas play very important roles in living being taking births again and again. Living in this living body, the soul generates attachment with the three Gunas of material world and start enjoying them. This attachment of soul with the material world through three gunas causes the soul to acquire body again and again.
To understand this in very simple terms we can take example of one child who goes to a fair with parents. He finds many attractive things there, shops, toys, sweets, games, plays etc and breaks away from parents. He got involved in those things in fair and forgets about his parents. He gets lost.

The same happens with the soul. It lives in body and comes into contact with three gunas and then it forgets its origin.

This is has been very clearly mentioned by Lord Krishna. Please have a look at the shloka.

purusah prakrti-stho hi bhunkte prakrti-jan gunan
karanam guna-sango ‘sya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu
Living in material nature, the Purusha (individual concious) enjoys the modes born of Prakriti(matter).His connection with the material nature becomes the cause of birth and he meets good and evil.

The shloka mentions following facts

1. The Purusha (individual concious) enjoys the modes born of Prakriti(matter).
2. Purusha gets connected with the material nature(Three gunas)

Now comparing with the child analogy, Purusha enjoys three gunas the same way child enjoys different things in a fai. Second Purusha(concious soul) gets connected with three gunas. These two factors bring soul again into one or other kind of body.

A human does his karma with the desire of wealth, house, beautiful body, car etc and so he has to come to this world to enjoy what he wanted. He has to take birth.

Different human attaches to this material nature in three different ways, becasue there are three types of Gunas(Quralitiies) they are as follows:

1. Sattva (mode of goodness)
2. Rajasa (Mode of passion)
3. Tamasa ( Mode of Ignorance)

Based upon how one soul attaches itself with three gunas descides which body he is going to born. It can be summarisd in following way.

1. Attachement with Sattva Guna(mode of goodness):
One who attaches with Sattva Guna(Mode of goodness), takes brith either in Higher planets like, Deva Loka(Heaven), Pitriloka(Places of ancestors) or he takes birth as elevated or highly placed human.

2.Attachement with Rajasa Guna(Mode of passion):
One who gets attached with Rajasa Guna(mode of passion), takes birth as human in next life. This is the category of nomal human who has live their normal lives.

3.Attachement with Tamasa Guna (Mode of Ignorance)
One who gets attached with Tamasa Guna(Mode of Ignorance) takes birth as lower human or lower species. People attached to this quallity(guna) performes bad karma and hence falls to lower bodies.

Till the time this soul is attached with three Gunas(qualities) of Prakrit(material world) and enjoys material pleasure he keeps taking births. When this soul realizes that this world is not his natural position then it gets detached from and never borns again.

The purpose of all Yogas is to let Soul realise itself, because until that happens it is never going to be liberated.