Does a Planet get Exalted or debilitated by Just being placed in a sign???

by Vikas Varshney

Does a Planet get Exalted or debilitated by Just being placed in a sign???
For instance just because Jupiter is placed In the Zodiac Sign Cancer, must we treat it As Exalted ?

We were originally talking about whether a planet must be considered as Exalted or debilitated by just virtue of being in a particular sign, or not.

Jupiter is Exalted in Cancer at 5 degrees. Here the Nakshatra which appears is Pushya, ruled by Saturn.

Suppose Jupiter is at 5 Degrees in Cancer, for a Capricorn native. This Jupiter would give the native a good physical strength, happiness through marriage, wealth, wealth also by marriage, and happiness of family.

Suppose this same Jupiter was in 18 degrees Cancer for the same native. Then what would have been the results?

Would we still call it Exalted (which mistake most of the astrologers make)? The native would have been prone to ill health. No connection of this Jupiter to wealth or family happiness. No connection to happiness through marriage, instead would have been worse for marriage and created strife’s in the married Life.

In both above cases The Jupiter is exalted for the same native in the same Lagna and sign and house, but results diametrically different when degrees are different.

So the Degree does matters. All this is not written clearly in the Books available with us, because this knowledge is not meant to fall in wrong hands. It’s when we have the fortune to meet a good Guru and learn from him, that we realize that what appears on surface, may not be what is intended to be known by all.