Rules of Nadi Astrology!

by Vikas Varshney

Rule No.1

According to Nadi Astrology a Planet in a Horoscope is under the influence of the following three factors. It is desired to give its results in DBA keeping in view these factors.

1) Its position & the lordship of houses in the horoscope.

2) Its Nakshatra.

3) Its Sub lord.

Depend of degrees of planet each sign has start lords and sublords.. they are

you can go here as well.

According to Nadi Astrology Sub lord is stronger than the Nakshatra & in the same sequence Nakshatra is stronger than the Planet. In other words planet is weaker than the Nakshatra & Nakshatra is weaker than the Sub lord. If planet is promising something & the Nakshatra  negates, the event is not going to happen. Similarly if Sub lord negates an event promised by both Nakshatra & the Planet the event will finally not take place. On the contrary if sub lord confirms an event, event is destined to happen. Whereas if all the Planet, Nakshatra & Sub lord join hands together the event takes place without any hurdle or difficulty.

Negation of event

Negation of an Event According to Nadi Astrology, 12th house to every house mars the significance of that house. 12th to 12th i.e. 11th will stop the expenses & losses whereas 12th from 10th  i.e. 9th will separate one from the job.&12th from 9th i.e. 8th will create obstacles in  the life.&12th from 7th i.e. 6th will separate from the marital home & may lead to divorce. but    12th from 6th i.e. 5th will make one free from disease & litigation although the person may not be inclined  to work. 12th from 5th i.e. 4th will deny the children.12th from 4th i.e. 3rd will be loss of property or denying the  purchase of property & native will go away from the house / motherland.

There are certain exceptions to it as follows :

12th from 11th i.e. 10th is good for profits in business as both are complementary houses here.Similarly 12th from 5th i.e. 4th is good in education since 5th is house of intelligence.&12th from 4th i.e. 3rd is good in regard to vehicles since 3rd house is the house of Travel & so on.

The above rule clearly indicate that if a penultimate house is signified by a planet with the main house then there is question mark on the fructification of the results of the houses by the planet in its DBA. However if the main house is signified by the planet & the penultimate house by the Nakshatra & in the same way the main house is signified by the Nakshatra & penultimate house by the Sub lord then significance of the house is completely destroyed. In case the penultimate house is signified by the Planet or the Nakshatra & the main house by the Nakshatra or the planet respectively the significance the house remains in intact.In elongation to the above rule 2nd house to every house enhances the significances of the penultimate house.

Rule No.3

Combinations of Houses give result. A single house never gives result.

In addition to Nakshatra & Sub lord Nadi Astrology lays stress on Combination of Houses for fructification of a particular event. For instance, if a Native is confined to Jail for a crime then not only the prime house of confinement i.e. 12th House gets involved in the DBA but few other Houses also come into play during the event. The Native has to undergo, tension & insult therefore 8th House also get involved during the event. The Native has to live in Jail, a place other than his House therefore 3rd House (away from Home) also gets involved. Involvement of 2nd House is also there since the whole family comes in to distress. Therefore for confinement to Jail four Houses combine together to fructify the event which are 2,3,8,12. For detail students are advised to study Chapter, “ Litigation”.

Similarly in case of marriage not only 7th House but also 11th & 2nd are also signified in DBA for fructification of marriage. 11th House signifies gain or realization of desires.11th House is pivot of the Horoscope 11th house in astrology signifies gain, when it is signified with a house in the DBA it gives gain of that House. In such cases it also enhances the significance of house to heights in that particular period.

Marriage takes place when 11th House is signified with 7th House in DBA since the event of marriage, 7th House takes place or 7th House fructifies or the results of 7th House are realised when 11th House is signified with the 7th House. In addition to this family of Native is formed or takes shape or the 2nd House is also signified with 7th & 11th in DBA when marriage of a Native takes place.

For all good events, earning money, purchasing of property/vehicle, good education, marriage etc. presence of 11th house is a must on the other hand for all bad events like confinement, loss, bad health, loss of property/vehicle, accident etc. presence of 8 or 12 or 8 & 12 House is a must. When 11th House is conjoined with a House it enhances the significances of the House to heights whereas when 8 & 12 Houses are signified with the Houses they destroy the House completely.

Rule No.4

Dasa lord (Mahadasa Lord ) is the strongest .It is stronger than the Bhukti lord ( Antar lord ) & in the same sequence Bhukti lord  is stronger than the Antar lord (Pratayantar lord ).Dasa to be used: Only Vimsottari Dasa is correct Dasa.There are various Dasa systems in Indian Astrology. I recommend “Vimsottari Dasa”. According to Nadi Astrology in Vimsottari dasa, In all the chapters I’ll be referring Dasa, Bhukti, Antar as DBA.

Timing of an event

As discussed above Dasa lord is stronger than the Bhukti lord & Bhukti lord is stronger than the Antra lord. Hence if Dasa Lord allows an event according to the combinations given in the following chapters the event will take place in the dasa. To further pin point the event we’ll see the strong Bhukti lord which will signify the same. The event will take place in that Bhukti, however if the Dasa lord is very strong the  event can take place in its Bhukti also. Now as the Bhuktis are from several months to years, to pin point the event further we’ll have to choose a strong Antra which will time the event.

In majority of the cases the Antra dasa elongates to several months & the astrologer / native is interested to know the date of fructification of the event for that Transits of the Planets are studied.

There can be cases that the Dasa lord does not allow the event. In such a case we’ll straightaway go to the next Dasa which allows the event. Similarly if Bhukti is not allowing the event, the next Bhukti is to be seen.

Strength of a Planet

By the strength of the planet we mean the authority of the planet on the fructification or culmination of an event in the DBA.

Strength of a planet is delineated by the strength of its Nakshatra & Sub lord. If Sub lord signifies full combination of the event & Nakshatra & Planet endorse it i.e. also signifies the same combination the event is going to happen surely. Such a Planet is said to be the strongest for culmination of the particular event .

On the other hand if Sub lord signifies the full combination of culmination of an event & the Nakshatra & the Planet negate then also the event is destined to happen but with difficulty here we’ll say that the Planet is average.

In other case if the Nakshatra & Planet signify the combinations but Sub lord negates, the event will not happen in the end. The planet is rendered weak here.

If planet & the Nakshatra does not negate an event & support the Sub lord & the Sub lord  signify full combinations the Planet here will be in full strength to fructify the event.

There can be a case when all the Planet, Nakshatra & the Sub lord signifying only facilitator houses/ combinations in such a case the Planet will have to look on other DBA planets. If other DBA planets will be strong then the event will take place otherwise not. We can say  that the planet’s strength here is ordinary.

Lastly if Planet & the Nakshatra show the combinations of fructification of event & the Sub lord signify facilitator houses the Planet here also has full strength for culmination of the event in DBA.

I’ll like to add here that  Natural strength of the planets should also be kept in mind here. For the same combinations the results of Rahu, Ketu, Saturn will come more profoundly followed by Mars & other Natural benefics Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury & Venus.

This is how we’ll have to judge the strength of the planets & nothing else has to be kept in mind in this regard.


Starting degree of the house is called the Cusp or the Cuspal degree of the house in “Nadi Astrology”. The Sub lord at the Cuspal degree is called the “Cuspal Sub lord”. Cuspal Sub lord has its own importance. The strength of the house is drawn from the strength of the Cuspal Sub lord. If the Cuspal sub lord signifies the combinations connected with the house the house is strong. The concerned events will take place in the concerned DBA. If the Sub lord negates the event the event will not take place even in the DBA promising the event strongly. For example, if the Cuspal Sub lord of the 4th house if signifies   4 or 11 or good houses 2,9 in this regard the property will be purchased by the individual in the DBA of  4,11,12. On the other hand if Cuspal Sub lord signifies houses 3,5,6,8,12 , the DBA of 4,11 won’t work & i.e. there will not be purchase of any property rather the property inherited by the native from his forefathers will also be endangered in the bad DBA

I will put how to see charts in next post through NADI!